1 large pkg. cream cheese
1 c cottage cheese
1/4 c onions, chopped
1/3 c green pepper, chopped
1/4 c sour cream
Mix: 1 lb ground beef, cooked, 1 can tomato sauce, 1 can tomato paste, salt, pepper and oregano
Brown ground beef-add sauce, paste and seasonings and simmer.
Put in 9x13 casserole pan in layers:
1. Meat sauce 2. cheese mixture 3. noodles 4. meat sauce 5. cheese mixture 6. noodles 7. meat sauce
Top with Parmesan cheese.
Bake 1 hour at 375 degrees.
I love lasagna and have had it so many different ways. I wanted to showcase my aunt Carol Brown's recipe, because she has always been a gourmet cook. I remember as a young child all the different recipes she would make and how amazed I was watching her. She would teach me how to decorate cakes and make those beautiful little roses to go on top of the cake. I remember being in love with her curried beef...with the little flame glowing underneath the silver carrif dish holding the curry. So many memories...crab dip, white salad, cherry soup, tetrozzine, soups, cakes, etc.. you name it...she could cook it and make it look like a million bucks. My brother and I use to always say...."Lifestyles of the rich and famous"....talking about her cooking and table settings! Oh....and don't forget the ever famous Carbonado....a Fall stew served inside a pumpkin. I will be making that soon and posting the recipe, because it is simply beautiful. Well...I think you should all have a glimpse of what my aunt Carol's cooking was and is like. Enjoy!